Last weekend I came to the realization that the ugly shed behind my house was not going to magically fall down and disappear. Last weekend I also realized that I had some frustration left over from the work week that needed to be dealt with. Combine those two with a sledge hammer. And I got this:

The shed was not big and it was standing on its last legs, after being attacked by various wood eating insects throughout the years and the blizzards of this past winter. And I had so much fun knocking the crap out of it and bringing it down. After I took out the front wall and one side wall (and removing a window pane without breaking the glass!), there was a strip of metal attached to the very top of the roof that was flopping around in the breeze, so I grabbed a hold of it.

Pulled the metal to the rear and flipped the roof right off the walls and it rumbled to the ground with a great crash, with me laughing madly as it did so.

Then my dogs got to play on the mini rubble pile, mimicking a very small portion of what Finn dealt with in New Orleans. Finn was not impressed.

Even Dexter got into the spirit of things, pretending he wants to be an Urban SAR cat.

the sad reality was now that it was down, the next step was loading it on to my truck to take to the landfill. I stopped laughing.
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