Two of the guys that live up here subscribe to the notion that the difference between men and boys is the size of their toys. They started plowing last night, with their 4 wheel drive tractors loaded with dump buckets and scrapers.

One of them, though, lives at the very top of a tall ridge, and thought he could do more than was physical possible with the 4-wheel drive tractor. Over the bank and down the hill it went. Oops!! This morning I wake to the sound of a huge piece of machinery creaking its way up the drive. I get down to the drive, and a massive lunk of an excavator is lumbering up the road to my neighbors house. In short order the tractors are out and they are back to plowing the rest of us out. In less then 10 minutes my part of the drive is clear. I love my neighbors, or as we say "they are good country folk"!

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